1938 – Kerry, Samuel

1938 – SAMUEL KERRY, Haulage, 20

Samuel Kerry of 134 Speedwell, Staveley was one of a family of seven and lived with his parents at the time of the disaster.  A native of Staveley, he was very popular in the district and was engaged to be married to his sweetheart, Hilda Hall.  He was buried at Staveley cemetery.

Samuel was commemorated on 16th September 2019. The location of the artwork can be found in zone 16 on the trail map which can be downloaded here.


Derbyshire Times 13thMay 1938

S. Kerry (20), 134 Speedwell, Staveley was one of a family of seven, being the second son of Mr. and Mrs. F Kerry. He was a native of Staveley, and was very popular in the district.


Further information can be downloaded here:

Samuel Kerry

Samuel Kerry family tree


Other Information:

Markham Colliery 1938 disaster

List of miners killed and injured in the 1938 disaster

List of miners killed in the 1938 disaster who were buried in Staveley


If you have any information to contribute to the research please contact us.