1938 – Lilley, Joseph

1938 – JOSEPH LILLEY, Road Repairer, 30

Joseph Lilley lived at 63 Worksop Road, Lowgates, Staveley and was a single man.  He was buried in Staveley with his father James William Lilley who died three years previously.

Joseph was commemorated on 12th October 2022.  The location of the artwork dedicated to Joseph can be found in zone 13 on the trail map which can be downloaded here.


From Derbyshire Times

“In loving memory of my dear husband, James William Lilley died 12 may 1935, aged 67 years. Also our son Joseph died in the Markham disatser 10 May 1938 aged 30 years. Forever in our thoughts.”

Joseph was a single man. He was buried in Staveley with his father.


Other Information

Markham Colliery 1938 disaster

List of miners killed and injured in the 1938 disaster

List of miners killed in the 1938 disaster who were buried in Staveley


If you have any information to contribute to the research please contact us.