1938 – Wood, Robert Henry

1938 – ROBERT HENRY WOOD, Haulage Hand, 22

Robert Henry Wood of 8 Newbridge Street, Old Whittington, had worked at Markham Colliery for about eighteen months, after four years at Grassmoor.  He had recently got engaged to his sweetheart, Miss M Edwards.  He was the son of Mr and Mrs Eli Wood and had a brother Eli Jnr. and a sister Evelyn.  Robert was buried at Old Whittington Churchyard.  His mother was too ill to attend the funeral. 

Robert was commemorated in January 2018. The location of the artwork can be found in zone 20 on the trail map which can be downloaded here.


Derbyshire Times 13thMay 1938

Robert Henry Wood, aged 22, was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E Wood, 8, Newbridge Street, Old Whittington. He had been employed at Markham for 18 months, and before that for four years at Grassmoor Colliery. For three years he was unemployed.


Further Information

Markham Colliery 1938 disaster

List of miners killed and injured in the 1938 disaster


More information to follow.

If you have any information to contribute to the research please contact us.