1938 – Gregson, Robert

Source: Derbyshire Times

1938 – ROBERT GREGSON, Contractor, 36

Robert Gregson, who lodged at 27a Chesterfield Road, Shuttlewood was a native of Accrington, and for six years served in the Royal Artillery.  He was discharged owing to an injury to his ear, sustained while wrestling, a sport that he took a great interest in.  He left a widow and a daughter.  He was buried at Accrington Dill Hall cemetery.

Robert was commemorated on 12th October 2022.  The location of the artwork dedicated to Robert can be found in zone 14 on the trail map which can be downloaded here.


Derbyshire Times 13thMay 1938

R. Gregson, 27a Chesterfield Road, Shuttlewood, was 37 years of age. He was a native of Accrington, and for six years served in the Royal Artillery, when he was discharged owing to an injury to his ear, sustained while wresting, in which sport he took a great interest. He leaves a widow and one little girl.


Further Information

Markham Colliery 1938 disaster

List of miners killed and injured in the 1938 disaster


If you have any information to contribute to the research please contact us.