1938 – Cowley, George

1938 – GEORGE COWLEY, Contractor, 38

George Cowley of Pretoria Street, Shuttlewood, originated from Clay Cross, having been formerly employed at Parkhouse No 7 Pit.  He had worked as a miner at Markham Colliery for ten years.  He was keenly interested in music, having been a chorister at both Clay Cross Parish Church and latterly at St. Lawrence’s Church, Shuttlewood.  He was buried at Bolsover.

George was commemorated on the 16 September 2021. The location of the artwork can be found in zone 6 on the trail map which can be downloaded here. You can watch the short launch video here.


Derbyshire Times 13th May 1938

G.Cowley, Pretoria St, Shuttlewood, originated from Clay Cross, having been formerly employed at Parkhouse No 7 Pit. He had worked as a miner at Markham Colliery for 10 years. He was keenly interested in music, having been a chorister at both Clay Cross Parish Church and latterly at St. Lawrence’s Church, Shuttlewood.


Markham Colliery 1938 disaster

List of miners killed and injured in the 1938 disaster

List of miners killed in the 1938 disaster who were buried in Bolsover


If you have any information to contribute to the research please contact us.