Plans forming for 50th Anniversary commemoration
As you may be aware the 30th July 2023 will be the 50th anniversary of the 1973 disaster at Markham.
Some initial plans are starting to form about an event that the Council are planning to mark this occasion, which you may want to attend. The commemoration event, to be held on Friday 28th July 2023, is likely to be a small gathering of invited guests for a short simple service where there will be an opportunity to place flowers at the feet of the Walking Together figures in front of the Environment Centre. Unfortunately I am not yet able to say whether it will be held in the morning or afternoon but I will of course advise you as soon as a programme has been confirmed; invites will also be issued nearer the time. In the meantime you may want to note the date in your diaries.
We are also aware of a further event that is likely to be held at St John The Baptist Church in Staveley on Sunday 30th July 2023. The planning of this has been instigated by ABMEC, The British Mining Trade Association and supported by the Health and Safety Executive. The team behind this event are part of a committee called the National Technical Liaison Committee for Safe Manriding in Mines. This committee was formed as a direct result of the 1973 disaster with a primary aim of preventing low frequency high consequence events from happening again.
At this early stage the organising team are reaching out to interested parties. If you are interested in getting involved with the organisation of this event or in receiving further information then please email Trudi Saxton at the Environment Centre or call 01246 826000 to confirm that you are happy for your contact details to be shared with the organising committee.